Parents must teach their 13 to 19 year old children some important things

Parents must teach their 13 to 19 year old children some important things


Will say nothing.

When children enter adolescence (13 to 19 years), they
Say something specific
1: They should always keep their nails neatly and properly cut because the first thing people see is your nails.
Just watch, say nothing.

2: Must apply deodorant or any perfume. You should not smell bad, because if you smell bad, your friends, schoolmates, roommates, office colleagues and people around you will be very disturbed.
Will say nothing!
The Reason Because this is a personal matter

3: Then keep your teeth very clean, bad breath coming from the mouth is very unpleasant to your addressee.
People will not say anything!
In such cases, you cannot say anything, lest you get angry.

4: Cleaning of neck and ears should be done very carefully, nose hair should be cut every week, neck should be washed very well so that no marks are visible.
No one explains about this.
He sees but remains silent.
Numbers are cut!
Do not put your fingers in the nose, ear, mouth, do not chew your nails, do not repeatedly scratch your nose, face, head.
If necessary, it can be done very delicately and elegantly. For example, if your nose is itching, you can gently scratch it with a tissue, handkerchief or the back of your hand instead of your finger.
Never with a straight hand because that requires you to shake someone’s hand.
So it is better to keep handkerchief or tissue paper with you.
Never touch the private parts of the body in public.

A few more instructions to repeat often as a reminder.

1: Be it shalwar or pant, wear underwear.
2: When going out of the house, don’t leave with your face raised or confused, wash your hands, do your hair, wear proper clothes, good shoes. Even if you have to bring some goods from the nearby market.
3: Take special care in polishing and cleaning the shoes because
Your shows say more about your personality than your clothes.
4: Half-full pyjamas, incomplete shirts and tights look very bad, especially boys should wear shalwar kameez while going to mosque. A half-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans can be very distracting to worshipers standing behind you, affecting their attention.
5: Dress indoors should also be dignified.
6: Don’t enter your parents’ room without knocking, One should not sit in the sister’s room and women’s room unnecessarily and for a long time.

7: When the children enter their teenage years, parents bring razors and blades from the market and teach them how to clean their inner body hair every week by removing hair from their arms.
8: Never go into someone’s personal space.
That is, talk three feet away. Don’t let anyone get too close. Of course in travel, the case of car, bus or plane seat is a little different but it also has manners and all manners of travel should be learned.
9: If you go to someone, first take a breath
Tell me these four things.
Salutation, name, location, work
That is, greet first, then tell your name and the name of your area or institution, then ask for permission by telling the purpose of coming
can i talk to you can i come in Or can I sit on a chair?
If you get permission, it’s Good it’s, otherwise, never again ok

10: Don’t even take a hair pen or tissue from someone’s table without permission, doing so is a bad habit and should be avoided because
This is the first step on the criminal ladder. So Avoid it

13: One thing that should be said often is to always have a small genuine smile on your face while talking to someone on the phone or visiting someone’s house, because this is also part of good manners, practice it. Such a smile opens many doors of success for you, which is a pleasant and good practice.
14: When a boy shakes hands with someone, shake the whole hand, this is also a favorite act, and make good eye contact with him. It is not that the mouth is here, the hands are talking to someone else!
15: When you sit at the table, eat with respect to each other. Do not think that you will not get food after today.
What other principles have you created and adopted?
A good education for children is our best gift to them.


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